6:45 AM | Posted in
Biarpun isu ini sudahpun sudah lapuk untuk dipertengahkan di arena perbincangan ini, namun ada sesuatu yang sangat mengejutkan di sebalik fenomena penyiaran karikatur nabi Muhammad ini.
sumber gambar: churchofentropy.blogspot.com
12 karikatur nabi Muhammad
"I was wondering why so many Muslims were getting upset about some cartoons and set about to see what they looked like. I found a few images on my own and then a few others with the help of comments here. I know that it is offensive for muslims to view an image of the Prophet but this is for others to see what all the furor is about. These embrace the overall Muslim theme, not just Muhammad. Here are some of them:"

post ini mendapat beberapa komentar yang boleh dikira sangat mengejutkan.
seperti ini:
"yeah, I laughed man!!! hahahaha...I don't know why!! I m ex-muslim.. I'm so sorry about this fact. but even if I'm still muslim I would not mind... it is JUST A CARTOOOON!! but islamists declare their war on cartoon....becareful pokemon!!"

dan ini:
"These people who are offended to the point where they riot, fire guns into the air, and threaten to kill others over a CARTOON are complete idiots-proof that these radicals have no place in a civilized society-get over it, morons."

dan juga seperti ini:
"Screw religion and the idiots offended by those cartoons ... you yourself are acting like idiots. Immature ding-dongs and spazy, judgmental hyper-Muslims cancel each other out."

dan banyak lagi. suasana sangat tegang. banyak yang menyindir. namun, ada pula yang sempat berjenaka:
"for muslim is like:
"jesus wearin bikinis""

biarpun begitu, ramai juga yang menyertai siri membalas komen di ruangan tersebut. ada yang bersungguh-sungguh mempertahankan Nabi muhammad, seperti ini:
"omg..... i saw jesus the other night... humping the virgin mary..... now.. lte me ask u ... do any of u know who ur real fathers are? or better yet.. do u even have fathers?....... hahahaha,,,, and for those who have something against the middle east wonder why u come her to work and educate both yourself and your family like wise..........f******s.... i mean i wont even use those words.. u aint worth them...... cheers."

dan ini:
"the main point that can be discussed here isnt y did muslims really mind bout the cartoon. but the POINT is y those stinking jerks out there were drawing the cartoon? why? thats it! to awaken the anger in muslims. to insult! they do on purpose.

back to the cartoon. why cant u see? did the cartoon really JUST a cartoon? it was an insult! thats obvious. thats y god create two eyes rather than 2 mouths! be a better observant. the prophet was really care bout his followers n we didnt mind on doing sumthin to back up him too."

Pengajaran yang dapat kita ambil dari fenomena ini :bersungguh-sungguhlah mempertahankan agama islam. Seperti yang ditunjukkan di atas, biarpun dipelosok mana pun kita tinggal, kita tidak akan pernah bersendirian, pasti ada yang bersama-sama membantu menegakkan agama Allah. Wallahu alam.



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